Scientists Speak



The total Green House Gas Emissions (GHGs) attributable to livestock products (their manufacture, waste, land use, and transportation) is greater than 51% of the total GHG driving the climate crisis now (methane, CO2, nitrous oxide) [1] . This exceeds the total for all coal and oil driven forms of transportation combined, by a large margin.  Replacing animal based foods with plant based ones is a far more effective method for GHG mitigation than changing animal agriculture technology. [2]

[1]  Goodland, R., and Anhang, J. 2009. Livestock and climate change: What if the key actors in climate change were pigs, chickens and cows? WorldWatch November/December 2009, p10-19, WorldWatch Institute, Washington DC

[2] New Estimates of the Environmental Cost of Food, Oxford University, 2018, Poore, Joseph.